Over the weekend, R and V were married and I just want to congratulate them again. You could truly feel all the love that everyone felt for the happy couple. My wife and I had a great time at their wedding and we both wish the best for them. They are good people and even better as a couple.
The wedding was filled with great moments. I couldn't hear the bridesmaids speeches so i moved up for the groomsmen. All of the groomsmen speeches were done very well. BD spoke well and from his heart. V's bro was so emotional, you could really feel how much he loves his sister and I love to see close families. The big limbrowski killed with a stand up routine for the ages. R riped people in pink shirts and I immediately thought about Bonk. And M had another great speech for his old cousin and new cousin, even ripping the big limbroski in the process. However he didn't break the 30 minutes mark, ensuring my brother the title of longest wedding speech for another several months. If my brother ever gets married, im using up an hour, which will include a this is your life segment and a World Series of Pop Culture Contest.
I love R and V, but for me one of the biggest highlights was seeing KDiddy again. I haven't seen or heard from him in nearly 9 months. Just seeing him again, hearing him crack jokes, made my day. He is one of my best friends. I don't know the next time I will see him, but for that one night it was like old times. Our old "guys crew" was there almost in full force. That crew still means the world to me. And FINALLY, there is going to be a baby from that crew so Congrats to them as well. great weekend! I wish they all could be that fun and memorable
1 comment:
So how many of the 500 myspace friends and 300 facebook friends are you going to get for the This is Your Life segment? or will you actually find KC and Sean Willis?
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