Friday, March 20, 2009


On Monday night I had tickets to watch a sneak preview of I LOVE YOU, MAN. Even luckier, one of my old Bromances was free to watch it with me. We even received free T-shirts with one of the movies greatest moments. The premise of the movie centers around a just engaged man who doesn't have any close guy friends. He over hears his fiance's friends saying that a man without any guy friends is just weird and he might be too klingy. So Paul Rudd's character goes on man dates to find a bromance. The search to find the perfect dude does not come easy but it does come pretty hysterically.

The chemistry between Rudd and Jason Segel, from How I Met Your Mother and Forgetting Sarah Marshall, is fantastic. I think this is like the third movie they have been in together. One of the funniest things is just the little dialogue of Rudd's character when he is uncomfortable and the nicknames they give each other. Rudd is kind uptight, high strung, by the book kinda a guy while Segel is a total I don't care about what anyone thinks of me, free spirited dude.

Segel even has a man cave! Gotta love that. I might be giving away too great a laugh here but his man cave has well, uh, a station to please himself. For those that have been in my man cave, don't trip, I don't have one of those.

Anyway, the laughs are well spread throughout the entire movie, from Andy Sandberg, who plays Rudd's gay brother picking up guys at the gym, to the Lou Ferrigno choking out Segel.

I didn't know what to expect about this movie but it was one of the best comedies I have ever seen. For those of you that loved Knocked Up, Forgetting Sarah Marshall and Superbad, I think this movie was better than all of them.

You will find yourself truly rooting for the friendship, actually caring about it like it was a real thing. And while you are rooting for the friendship, you will have a smile on your face the whole time.

Oh and right after the movie, we finished our man date with a few beers under the bay bridge to wash out the 5 lbs of barbeque we had at nate's before the movie followed by a manly handshake. Oh before we said bye, we repeated the line from our shirts "Give it back...RETURN THE FAVOR!" You can pretty much figure out what that means but just watch it and you will laugh anyway.


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you rekindled the long lost bromance. Are you going to take some A-Rod pictures with him?

Josephine Zee Papillon said...

It's not the same without Russett...